Get Logs Latest Timestamp
Returns the update timestamp of the most recently updated log within the specified page and filter bounds.
Bearer authentication header of the form Bearer <token>
, where <token>
is your auth token.
Query Parameters
Name of the project to get entries from.
The context (prepending ’/’ seperated field names) from which to retrieve the logs.
Static context to filter logs by.
Boolean string to filter entries. TODO: Detailed page.
Dict with fields as keys and either ‘ascending’ or ‘descending’ as values. The first entry in the dict is the last field to be sorted by, which takes ultimate precedent, with other keys only remaining in order when the first key values are equal.
The log ids which are permitted to be included in the search. Each log id listed does not need to be returned, but no logs which are not included in this list can be returned. This argument cannot be set if exclude_ids
is set.
The log ids which cannot be returned from the search. None of the listed ids will be returned, even if the logs are valid as per the filtering expression etc. This argument cannot be set if from_ids
is set.
The fields which are permitted to be included in the search. Each field listed does not need to be returned, but no fields which are not included in this list can be returned. This argument cannot be set if exclude_fields
is set.
The fields which cannot be returned from the search. None of the listed fields will be returned, even if the fields are valid as per the filtering expression etc. This argument cannot be set if from_fields
is set.