In the previous section, we introduced fallbacks, which enable you to specify what to do in the case of outages.

However, you can also specify routing logic to directly maximize LLM performance, whether that be be improving cost, quality or speed. First, we outline the Base Metrics which can be optimized over, we then explain Meta Providers (models used with whatever provider optimizes a given metric, based on the latest available benchmark data), then Thresholds (specifying the permitted bounds for certain metrics), then how routing can be performed across models (not only providers) in Model Routing, then how Custom Metrics can be specified as a linear combination of the base metrics, then how The Search Space across models, providers and endpoints can be defined, and finally we explain how Quality Prediction works under the hood, and why training your own router is the best option in order to maximize quality when routing over models (explained in the subsequent sections!).

Base Metrics

The base metrics and their permitted syntax when making chat completion queries, are as follows:

  • Quality (The quality of the generated response): quality, q
  • Time to First Token: time-to-first-token, ttft, t
  • Inter Token Latency: inter-token-latency, itl, i
  • Cost ($ per million tokens based on the default Artificial Analysis input:output ratio of 3:1): cost, c
  • Input Cost ($ per million input tokens): input-cost, ic
  • Output Cost ($ per million output tokens): output-cost, oc

Meta Providers

Any of these base metrics can be specified in place of a provider, when making chat completion requests. For example, lets assume we want to deploy claude-3-opus with whichever provider has the fastest inter-token-latency, based on the latest benchmark data. We can specify the following:

curl -X 'POST' \
    '' \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer $UNIFY_KEY" \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -d '{
        "model": "claude-3-opus@inter-token-latency",
        "messages": [{"role": "user", "content": "Hello."}]

As before, the same can be done via any of the query methods (HTTP Requests, Unify Python Package, OpenAI Python Package, OpenAI NodeJS Package, again by simply specifying the model argument in each case). For example, in the Unify Python Package it would simply look like this:

import unify
client = unify.Unify("claude-3-opus@inter-token-latency")
response = client.generate("Hello.")

To be more explicit, the prepending keywords highest- and lowest- can be specified. When the keyword is omitted, it’s assumed that the user wants the “best” option, which is highest- for quality and lowest- for all other metrics. The example above is equivalent to claude-3-opus@lowest-inter-token-latency.


You can specify upper and/or lower bounds for any of these metrics using <, >, <= and >= and separating each specification with | in the command. For example, the following command will find the llama-3.1-405b-chat provider with the lowest inter token latency (the fastest), provided that the endpoint is not more expensive that $5 per million tokens:


The following will find the llama-3.1-70b-chat provider with the highest quality (see explanation for how this is computed below). Differences such as quantization can result in different quality for the same model. The endpoint is also constrained to not be more expensive than $0.8 per million tokens in the input, not be more expensive than $0.6 per million tokens in the output, have an inter token latency faster than 20ms, but not faster than 1ms:


As explained above, any of the aliases defined above can be used interchangeably, such as i, itl or inter-token-latency for the inter token latency.

Model Routing

All of the examples above have assumed that there is a single model chosen, and we’re then just optimizing over the provider for that chosen model.

However, we can also include the model within the routing decision. To do so, we simply specify the model as router. For example, the following will find the highest quality endpoint (among all supported endpoints), which is cheaper than $0.8 per million input tokens, cheaper than $0.6 per million output tokens, and has an inter token latency faster than 20ms:


Custom Metrics

So far, we have only considered cases where we optimize for a single base metric, and then constrain the search space for other metrics. However, you can also specify your own custom metric, as a linear combination of the base metrics:

custom_metric = q_f*q - i_f*i - t_f*t - c_f*c

In words, this metric takes factors {}_f for each of the four base metrics: quality, inter-token-latency, time-to-first-token and cost, and then computes their linear combination, with the objective of maximizing custom_metric.

The input-cost and output-cost can also be specified independently, if you’d rather use a different ratio than the default 3:1 that c_f*c uses (as per the default ratio of Artificial Analysis):

custom_metric = q_f*q - i_f*i - t_f*t - ic_f*ic - oc_f*oc

With this form factor, controlling the custom metric is reduced to specifying the linear factors {}_f. These linear factors can be specified as follows:


Factors which are left unspecified are assumed to be zero (their contribution to the custom metric is ignored). For example, the following are aliases:

router@q:1|i:0.5 == router@q:1|i:0.5|t:0|c:0

Returning the the input-cost and output-cost ratio, the following are also exact aliases:

router@c:1 == router@ic:0.75|oc:0.25

If c is specified, then neither ic nor oc can be specified in the command (as per the example above, they already are fully specified via the c argument).

As before, any variant of the metric can be used to specify the factors:

router@q:1|i:0.5 == router@quality:1|inter-token-latency:0.5

The Meta Providers explained above are actually aliases to this same logic, and under the hood they resolve to these factors:

llama-3.1-70b-chat@quality == llama-3.1-70b-chat@q:1 == llama-3.1-70b-chat@q:1|i:0|t:0|c:0
llama-3.1-70b-chat@itl == llama-3.1-70b-chat@i:1 == llama-3.1-70b-chat@q:0|i:1|t:0|c:0

For this reason, meta-providers cannot be specified alongside these factors. Meta providers are basically convenient one-liners to specify all four factors.

Note that the units are not normalized. It’s down to you to reason about sensible values for the factors, based on the respective units: cost in $ per M tokens, itl in ms, ttft in ms, and quality normalized to 0-1.

When experimenting, you can retrieve the four metrics for any endpoint as follows:

curl -X 'GET' \
    '' \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer $UNIFY_KEY"

This will return a dictionary like below:

    "quality": 0.78
    "inter-token-latency": 15.67
    "time-to-first-token": 752.39
    "cost": 0.73

The custom metric can then be reasoned with very easily on the client side, by applying any linear combination as desired.

The Search Space

All of the examples above have assumed that all compatible models and/or providers are included in the “search space” when making routing decisions. However, you might want to limit the search space. This can be achieved with the models, providers, endpoints, skip_models, skip_providers, and skip_endpoints keywords. Again, this is simply specified within the same chain, separated by |.

The following finds the fastest (lowest itl) endpoint for llama-3.1-405b-chat, among the providers: groq, fireworks-ai and together-ai:


The following finds the fastest llama-3.1-405b-chat endpoint among all supported providers, excluding (skipping): azure-ai and aws-bedrock:


These keywords are also compatible when routing across models. The following optimizes a custom metric, whilst only considering the models gpt-4o, o1-preview and claude-3-sonnet:


Providers and models can also both be limited. The following only considers endpoints which are within the set of models and providers. It does not find the superset of endpoints matching the models and providers, but rather the subset. For example, the endpoints claude-3-haiku@vertex-ai and llama-3-8b-chat@aws-bedrock are not included in the search space for the query below, but the endpoint claude-3-haiku@anthropic is included:


Note that specifying a single model in models using the router keyword is functionally equivalent to specifying that model on the left-hand-side:

router@itl|models:llama-3.1-405b-chat == llama-3.1-405b-chat@itl

Given that skip_{entity}: and {entity}: specify the only inclusions or the only exclusions, they cannot both be specified in the same query, but they can for other entities. For example, the following is permitted:


Quality Prediction

Up to now, we have not explained how quality is predicted ahead of time for each endpoint being evaluated, during routing decisions. We have trained a neural scoring function on many prompts across several open datasets (such as Open Hermes), with the training targets provided via LLM-as-a-judge.

This is a useful baseline for general tasks, but to really get top performance on your task, it’s necessary to train your own neural scoring function on your own prompts, which will result in better performance on your downstream task.

We cover all aspects of training, configuring and deploying your own neural scoring function for your own fully custom router in the remaining sections!